Healing is the Best Revenge #3 zine: notes on healing, radical vulnerability, & survivor solidarity

My Healing is the Best Revenge perzine (personal + zine) series doesn’t sell great online, TBH (although it does great at in-person events, like zine fests & such!) & yet, I keep writing. I continue to create. I keep going. Writing this zine series has been incredibly cathartic for me; it’s helped me to process & move through some of the trauma (& definitely the shame + sense of isolation that followed) so that I can begin to heal from it. I love that about making art; it’s a form of embodied self-expression where we get to tell our stories, on our own terms & timelines, & that can be profoundly healing.

I love that about making art; it’s a form of embodied self-expression where we get to tell our stories, on our own terms & timelines, & that can be profoundly healing.

Here are a few selected pages from Healing is the Best Revenge #3:

This zine addresses themes of healing from trauma, survivor solidarity, affirmations, & surviving ongoing abuse + DARVO from the perspective of a disabled nonbinary queer femme (AKA me). Some of the topics I speak to include:

💖 Things that have helped me heal (that aren’t trauma therapy)

💖 Surviving ongoing abuse, community violence, & DARVO

💖 How to write your own affirmations

💖 Survivor solidarity 101: tips for offering practical support

💖 A letter to my past self

💖 My personal manifesto for healing, the femme cockroach life manifesto

💖 Creativity & my creative process as composting

💖 + mini rants, affirmations, the best books I read in 2023, & my current projects at the time of writing!

I love that this zine is colorful, cute, & playful while speaking to + about heavier topics, such as abuse, sexual violence, stalking, DARVO, & surviving all of these things. My hope is that it helps you feel not just less alone but also: seen, heard, & affirmed.

I believe you, dear one.

More Magic


I’m done being resilient; I’m ready to be spoiled