I’m done being resilient; I’m ready to be spoiled

I'm done being resilient; I'm ready to be spoiled: on messy survivorship & healing

I’m done being resilient; I’m ready to be spoiled.

As a survivor, I’m tired of being praised for my resilience. I'm tired of being reduced to my strength. I'm tired of being celebrated for something I didn't choose; something that was forced upon me. I'm tired.

We live in a world where so many of us have to be resilient to survive. I want a world where survivors are supported. I want a world where survivors are celebrated & loved & uplifted for more than our strength, for our whole messy AF selves. I want a world where we are spoiled. I want a world where solidarity with survivors is the bare minimum. 

Because survivors deserve more than the bare minimum. We deserve more than breadcrumbs of support. We deserve love, care, & solidarity. We deserve nice things, good friends, & beautiful experiences. We deserve beauty, joy, pleasure, & ease. We are worthy of these things - & more. 

Today, I invite you to ask yourself what's one way you can spoil yourself this week.

Journaling Prompts

💖 What would spoiling myself look like?

💖 How does this experiment feel?

💖 Do I feel deserving of this? Why might I feel this way?

xoxo Karina

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