New in the shop

New in the shop: new zines

Hi sweet friend

I’ve got some new zines in the shop: Healing is the Best Revenge #3 + #4, Surviving out of Pure Spite! #1, Gossip as a Site of Resistance, All Cats are Beautiful #1, & Cute Friend Date Ideas.

Healing is the Best Revenge #3

This zine is the third installment in Hagelin’s colorful + vulnerable perzine (personal + zine) series, Healing is the Best Revenge, written from the perspective of a nonbinary disabled queer femme survivor. Healing is the Best Revenge #3 is a bright & bold perzine about healing from trauma, survivor solidarity, creativity, affirmations, recovery, & more.

24 pages & printed in full color & 8.5x5.5 inches.

Healing is the Best Revenge #4

This zine is the fourth installment in my perzine series, Healing is the Best Revenge, written from the perspective of a nonbinary disabled queer femme survivor & centered around themes of self-love, healing, survivor allyship, & more.

20 pages & printed in full color & 8.5x5.5 inches.

Surviving out of Pure Spite! #1

Surviving Out of Pure Spite! #1

Surviving Out of Pure Spite! #1 is the first issue of a radically vulnerable perzine series about healing from trauma. Written stream of consciousness, Hagelin addresses themes of survivorship, self-love, recovery, radical vulnerability, cPTSD, & being in the messy + murky middle of healing.

8 pages & printed in black & white with a pastel cardstock cover & 8.5x5.5inches.

All Cats are Beautiful #1

All Cats Are Beautiful #1 is a cat photography mini zine. The first issue features gorgeous & colorful photos of my three rescue cats, Chickpea, Cashew, & Boo.

8 pages & printed in full color & 4.25x2.75 inches.

Cute Friend Date Ideas

Cute Friend Date Ideas

The Cute Friend Date Ideas zine is a zine about friendship, platonic intimacy, & of course, friend dates. Karina shares 8 friend date ideas, interspersed with some of their favorite friendship quotes.

12 pages & printed in full color & 4.25x5.5 inches.

Gossip as a Site of Resistance (aka how survivors use gossip as a strategy to share info, seek support, & protect one another)

Gossip as a Site of Resistance is a zine about how survivors use gossip as a strategy to share info, seek support, and protect one another, based on Hagelin’s MLIS thesis. They argue that when survivors are isolated, shunned, and excluded from not only our communities but also from traditional information institutions (i.e. mainstream media, the education system, and political sphere), gossip becomes one of the only tools remaining to us. Gossip becomes a lifeline. This zine explores what gossip is; the productive social and political values of gossip; why gossip is condemned and trivialized; what contemporary feminist literature says about gossip; how survivors utilize gossip as a tool for resistance, information-sharing, building community, and protection through the mediums of social media and zines; and directions for future research.

56 pages & printed in black & white with a pastel cardstock cover & 8.5x5.5 inches.

xoxo Karina

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