Blocking: A Protection Spell for Survivors


Blocking: A Protection Spell for Survivors

Hi bby!

It's been a while. The past six months have been messy, chaotic, & difficult to cope with. & /also I've experienced an abundance of creativity, healing, & growth. How has your year been? What have you been excited about & exploring?

I want to talk about ⚡BLOCKING AS A PROTECTION SPELL⚡. This is for fellow survivors, especially those of us who have had family &/or “friends” who "don't want to pick a side."

(Which is a cop-out & a gross way to say "i'm not on your side & I don't believe you" without actually having to admit their hashtags & politics don't align.)

Over the years, I've used the BLOCK button often & unapologetically. I want to encourage you to get comfortable doing the same because...

You deserve to be surrounded by actual friends: people who believe & love & support & cherish & care about you.

Blocking is a powerful protection spell for your energy, healing process, & survival. Blocking empowers you to decide who gets access to your time, energy, magic, to YOU.

& honestly? Not everyone has earned that privilege. Not everyone has your best interests at heart. Not everyone has good intentions.

You deserve to feel safe in your OWN space; for it to overflow with friends who ARE on your side, 100% - & aren't afraid to say it.

xo karina

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