Coping strategies and skills: journaling prompts

Coping strategies and skills: journaling prompts

Hi dear one πŸ’•

I’m excited to share my monthly journaling prompts with you! This month's theme is coping skills & strategies.

As always, take what’s supportive, adapt what could be useful, & leave the rest behind.

🩷 What are my top 3 coping skills?

🧑 Do I have any coping skills that are maladaptive or unsustainable? What are they & why?

πŸ’› Could I apply a harm reduction lens to my coping skills?

πŸ’š What would incorporating harm reduction into my coping skills mean & look like for me?

🩡 Do I have my coping skills documented anywhere for myself?

πŸ’™ Would documenting my coping skills be helpful? What format would be the most accessible for me?

πŸ’œ Are there any gaps in my coping strategies? What are they?

πŸ–€ How and/or where might I learn some new skills to fill this gap?

 Which one of these is your favorite? Comment & let me know; I love hearing from you πŸ₯°


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