Trauma Survival Toolkit #1 | Healing is the Best Revenge episode #8 transcript

This is a transcript of episode #8 of my podcast, Healing is the Best Revenge.

Hi, I’m Karina Hagelin and this is Healing is the Best Revenge, a podcast for survivors and the folks who love us, to discuss the politics of survivorship, healing, and community care. This is a space where we reject pedestals & perfectionism, instead honoring the messy and complex realities of healing from trauma.

Before we start, a quick reminder that if you love this podcast, please take a moment to rate, review, subscribe, & to share this show with a friend. Your support means the world to me & keeps this podcast going. I really really REALLY appreciate every review and rating.

Now, a note from this show’s sponsor: Me! The Survivor Affirmation Deck is now available for preorder.

This deck is a beautiful, inspiring, & uplifting collection of 40 vibrant affirmation cards for survivors of abuse and violence who are healing from trauma. Each colorful card features a supportive & loving affirmation for survivors, written by a survivor who gets it, not a rando love n (gas)lighter. Cards have a rainbow gradient on the back & come packaged in a lovely pink box.

The Survivor Affirmation Deck is a great gift for loved ones healing from trauma, therapists, mental health workers, folks who work with survivors of violence and abuse, and for yourself and/or your bestie.

Onto today’s episode, a new series on coping skills for CPTSD.

Welcome to your Trauma Survival Toolkit, a new series in which I’ll share a few of my go-to coping skills for living with CPTSD with you.

For those of you who don’t know me - yet - I’m Karina and I’ve been intentionally working on healing from trauma for over a decade at this point in my life. And my life? Is so much better than I ever imagined it could me. I have moments where I move from surviving to truly thriving. And I spend less time struggling to survive.

And while I’ve come such a long way, I still have bad days, bad weeks. Sometimes, bad months. There are times when my CPTSD is all consuming and I’m fighting for my life, all over again.

But! I have a decade’s worth of coping skills, techniques, and tools that have supported me on this journey. I’m not alone, ever, and neither are you, even if we sometimes feel like it. I hope this podcast & this skill share series is supportive for you & helps you feel less alone.

As always, take what works. Leave the rest behind. Now, let’s talk about some of my go-to coping skills. Today, I’m going to cover 3: grounding, dialing down, & resources check-in.


Grounding is a coping strategy that is designed to take you out of the past and firmly ground you back in your body, in the present. Ways I ground myself include:

  • Drinking a cold beverage

  • Holding something cold, like a frozen orange or ice cube

  • Feeling the weight of my body in my chair

  • Pressing my feet to the ground and feeling them connect to the floor supporting me

  • Counting 10 pink items - or X items of Y color

There are so many ways to practice grounding yourself. Try using your five senses to get embodied & stay here, in your body, in this moment in time & space.

Dialing down

Dialing down is a strategy that helps me feel less distressed and overwhelmed. I visualize my. feelings as a set of rainbow stairs, each a different color that represents gradually lower levels of intensity. I imagine myself slowly stepping down those stairs, each step I’m taking gently decreasing the intensity of the feeling. This is a skill I’ve had to work hard to develop and needed to practice regularly for it to work well for me. Sometimes, I can take one step down & that’s great! The goal isn’t to numb out but rather, to decrease how distressed I am. Every little bit counts because slow progress is still progress.

Resources check-in

Checking in with myself means asking questions like: Have I eaten today? Am I hydrated? Did I take my meds? Have I gotten enough rest? Have I been outside today? Have I talked to a friend? Because all of these things add up and affect how well-resourced I am, how well-equipped I feel to handle any symptoms that arise during the day.

Okay, that’s all I’ve got for you today but before I go, if you’d like to receive notes on radical self-love, healing, & affirmations, you can find a link to subscribe to my newsletter in the show notes. I’d love to have you on the list! Until next time, sweet friend. & as always, I believe you.


Trauma survival toolkit #2 | Healing is the Best Revenge episode #9 transcript


Creating the Survivor Affirmation Deck | Healing is the Best Revenge episode #7 transcript