Untangling self-worth from work & productivity: journaling prompts & reflection questions

Untangling self-worth from work & productivity

Hi sweet friend,

Last night, I created these journaling prompts & reflection questions on untangling our self-worth from work & productivity & wanted to share them with you! Here are 9 questions to sit with, reflect on, & write about when you’re struggling with the weight of hustle culture, late-stage capitalism, & the grind.

Journaling prompts

❤️ What are my core values? Why are these specific values meaningful & important to me? How am I currently acting in (or out of) alignment with my values?

💖 What brings me joy? What makes me laugh? What inspires me? What is pleasurable? What excites me?

🧡 How would I describe myself? How would a loved one describe me? 

💛 How can I incorporate more play into my life? What types of play feel good & generative to me? What play activities do I want to explore & experiment with?

💚 What am I excited to learn more about or deepen my practices around? How might my enthusiasm guide me?

🩵 What hobbies, activities, & practices help me to relax & feel recharged?

💙 How do I want to feel, on an ideal day? What does myideal day look like?

💜 How do I practice community care? What skills do I already have that I can share? what skills might I want to deepen & nurture?

💖 How might I create more spaciousness in my schedule & life for greater gentleness, intentional rest, & increasing ease?

Start small & choose one prompt to sit with & write on at first. Let your intuition guide you towards the one that you need the most.

I hope these are helpful, dear one 💕

xoxo Karina

♥ More Magic ♥


September journaling prompts: community, care, & conflict


Not Your Idol: a zine about idolization, relationships, & community care