is the Best Revenge
I’m a disabled nonbinary queer femme artist, educator, keynote speaker, librarian, & survivor who transforms trauma through cute & colorful art, alchemizes affirmations for survivors (I believe you), & uses aesthetics as a spell for healing.
I center radical self-love, creativity, healing, platonic intimacy & friendships, trauma recovery, community care, chronic illness & disability, & the power of aesthetics in my practice.
I strive to empower more survivors to work with aesthetics as a tool for creative expression & expansion, reclaiming our bodies & sovereignty & spaces (both physical & digital!), creative confidence, playful + powerful inner child/teen work, & healing as an iterative + nonlinear practice.
As a librarian, I work with library workers who are committed to creating cultures that center healing through radical empathy, collective care, & advocacy work. I support libraries in building holistic work cultures in which both patrons & staff with a variety of lived experiences, including (but not limited to) trauma, substance use, disability, & chronic illness, feel supported, valued, & safe to show up as their whole selves.
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Healing is the Best Revenge is a podcast for survivors and the folks who love us to discuss healing, life with C-PTSD (complex post-traumatic stress disorder), survivorship, self + community care, and more. I offer affirmations, pep talks, encouragement, support, and share about being in the messy murky middle of healing from trauma.