6 small steps to getting started with healing through aesthetics

6 small steps to getting started with healing through aesthetics

healing thru aesthetics is my thing 💖 style has helped me in so, so, SO, many ways: in my healing process as a survivor, as a form of self-expression & creativity, & an affirmation of my gender as a nonbinary queer femme 🎀

i’ve nurtured & cultivated & pruned my aesthetic into an art form. as a fat, nonbinary, queer femme i know that when you have a strong aesthetic & know what styles make you feel 100% authentically you, like a million fucking bucks, like the babe you totally are, you start to feel like it 💕

get out your notebook or open a word doc because i have 6 small steps you can take TODAY to getting started with healing thru aesthetics, bby!


what colors, styles, themes, & aesthetics do you feel intuitively drawn to? this is an aggressive reminder that JUDGEMENT IS NOT WELCOME HERE BTW!!!


what do you want to tend to & nourish in your life? VISUALIZE THAT SHIT, BBY!!!

ps: the sky is the limit so DREAM BIG OR GO HOME XO


when you visualized creating this dream for yourself, what did you imagine? be detailed AF!!!


how might you intentionally experiment with embracing more of this aesthetic / vibe you imagined in your life TODAY?

some ideas for inspo might be:

⚡ what you wear (your wardrobe, makeup, accessories, &/or nail polish)

⚡ your space/home

⚡ ritual candles

⚡ even your digital presence

get creative & go wild with it!


engage in an ongoing reflective practice / dialogue: what are you doing & how does it feel? what will you keep & what will you change up?


keep what leaves & leave the rest behind! you're the expert on your own experiences & self; i'm only a guide XO


femme filth press feature | surviving to thriving: a trauma survival toolkit


I Am Lovable & Loved 💛 New Radical Self-Love Affirmation Prints for Survivors