femme filth press feature | surviving to thriving: a trauma survival toolkit

femme filth press feature | surviving to thriving: a trauma survival toolkit

why i made this zine

surviving to thriving: a trauma survival toolkit is a compilation of the coping skills, techniques, & tools i’ve used (& continue to use!) during my healing process as i recover from trauma. this zine contains some of my favorite skills, from grounding to positive self-talk and reaching out, that have helped support me when my c-ptsd feels unmanageable.

during these episodes, i often struggle to remember the skills that have supported me in my trauma recovery journey, that have gotten to where i am today, because i’m so overwhelmed by flashbacks, panic, & fear.

i created this zine to help me during those moments, to bring me back to the present safely, & remind me I’VE GOT THIS. i needed this zine & i thought maybe other people did too, so i self-published it to share with other survivors.

what readers are saying

where to find surviving to thriving: a trauma survival toolkit

surviving to thriving: a trauma survival toolkit is available on my etsy, femme filth press, as both a color print zine & a digital zine in pdf format.


the “dear survivor” series, new zine on the best books of 2021, & more creative updates!


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