Femme Filth Press Feature | Healing is the Best Revenge: Affirmations for Survivors #2

Femme Filth Press Feature | Healing is the Best Revenge: Affirmations for Survivors #2

Why I created Healing is the Best Revenge: Affirmations for Survivors #2

I adored creating The Little Book of Affirmations for Survivors, one of my most popular zines contains a colorful collection of heartfelt & loving notes, words of support, & affirmations to cultivate radical self-love for my community, so naturally, I wanted to expand this body of work & series because there are SO many things left unsaid that SO many of us need to hear, still πŸ’•

I crafted this zine with care for survivors because we deserve an abundance of care & support & love as we heal but most of us don’t; many of us don’t even hear the simplest affirmation, β€œI believe you” from our friends, our families, our loved ones, or our communities.

I want every survivor to be affirmed, so i created this super rainbow & absolutely adorable zine that you can carry with you anywhere you go πŸ’–

Crafted with care for survivors, by a survivor

In addition to lots of bright affirmations & words of support, I wrote a piece called πŸ’Œ A LOVE LETTER TO β€œBAD” SURVIVORS πŸ’Œ which is a reminder to us, to ALL of us, that we are 100% worthy & lovable & deserve healing 🌼

Created for survivors, by a survivor, with love & care & queer femme magic πŸ’« It’s a perfect gift for friends, family & loved ones who are survivors &/or struggling with the aftermath of trauma & PTSD/C-PTSD 🎁 Proceeds support my art & healing process πŸŽ€ Get your very own adorable & rainbow AF zine today from Femme Filth Press 🌈


Trauma Survival Toolkit: 4 Coping Skills for PTSD & C-PTSD


Radical Self-Love Affirmations for Survivors: Issue #2