Radical Self-Love Affirmations for Survivors: Issue #2

Radical Self-Love Affirmations for Survivors: Issue #2

Welcome to the second issue of ✨RADICAL SELF-LOVE AFFIRMATIONS FOR SURVIVORS✨. If you're new here, this is a series of love notes, supportive reminders, & affirmations for survivors centered around cultivating radical self-love 💕

This week, I've created four short & sweet affirmations; words i needed to hear, words so many of us need to hear, but often don't, to share with you. Healing is the best revenge & nurturing radical self-love is a beautiful part of that 🌈

As a sweet surprise & bonus, I've included a template to celebrate your process - because slow progress is still progress.

Really, really, really good things are coming

The life I’m living today was unimaginable for my past self. Of course, it's still hard & painful & difficult sometimes & I’m still committed to doing hardcore healing work in trauma therapy. &/ALSO my life is beyond my wildest dreams! Some days I feel like I’m truly thriving. My life is cute & dreamy & filled with love, care, lots of color, & of course, three sweet kitties! Know that even when it's hard to believe there is a future for us, especially one in which we are thriving, that good things are already on their way to us.

I don’t owe anybody my story

Our stories are OURS & ours ALONE. We don't owe anybody our stories, especially in order to access resources, community, care, mutual aid, & support. We shouldn't have to retraumatize ourselves or violate our boundaries to receive the abundance of care & support from our communities that we deserve. We get to decide if & when we want to share, what parts we want to share, & who we want to share it with.

I decide who gets access to my time, energy, & attention

Not everyone deserves access to us. We are absolutely allowed to set boundaries - & doing so is super healthy, healing, & a form of radical self-love. We get to decide who gets access to our time, energy, & attention - & we can revoke that privilege at any time.

Slow progress is still progress

The progress we're making is often so slow, mundane, & happens on a day-to-day basis. This makes it hard to celebrate & even recognize. The small steps add up to our whole journey towards thriving -& those small, everyday accomplishments deserve to be celebrated too!

I've included a cute template you can fill out & share (if you feel called to) to celebrate the steps you've taken today 💕

Celebrate yourself every single day!

Which of these affirmations resonated the most with you? Let me know in the comments!


Femme Filth Press Feature | Healing is the Best Revenge: Affirmations for Survivors #2


Femme Filth Press Feature | The Little Book of Affirmations for Survivors