Affirmations for Survivors (& Why I Write Them) | Healing is the Best Revenge Podcast, Episode 1 Transcript

Affirmations for Survivors (& Why I Write Them)

[Pink text on a white background that reads: โ€œAffirmations for Survivors (& Why I Write Them).]

1: Affirmations for survivors (& why I write them) ๐Ÿ’•

This is a transcript of my podcast, Healing is the Best Revenge, a podcast for survivors who reject pedestals and perfection to discuss the politics of survivorship, community care, and our often-unconventional pathways towards healing.

 In the inaugural episode, I share affirmations for healing and radical self-love, created by a survivor, for fellow survivors. I discuss the importance - & difficulty - of hearing โ€œI believe youโ€ and the role of affirmations in my healing process. I also share about why I write affirmations for survivors.

[Karina]: Hi, Iโ€™m Karina Hagelin and this is Healing is the Best Revenge, a podcast for survivors who reject pedestals and perfection to discuss the politics of survivorship, community care, and our often-unconventional pathways towards healing.


And in that nature and on that note, this is a very messy DIY podcast. You may hear my cats; I have three cats, two of which are a Siamese mix and very vocal, um, in the background or the construction next door. Iโ€™m chronically ill and disabled and often recording this podcast via my voice notes app from bed. So yeah, just wanted to start off with a messy disclaimer.


I have been working on a deck of affirmation cards for survivors for [big sigh] oh, I donโ€™t know how long at this point. But weโ€™re getting closer to bringing it into the world! And so on that note, I thought Iโ€™d share some affirmations for radical self-love and healing, for survivors, by a survivor. Feel free to repeat these after me or simply listen along. I also invite you to jot any affirmations down that you feel called to. Do what feels right for you in this moment, right now, and try to trust yourself and the wisdom of your bodymind as much as you can.


These affirmations are from my first zine of survivor affirmations which you can find in my shop at if youโ€™re interested; Iโ€™ll link to it in the show notes. Without further ado, here are some affirmations for you, sweet friend:


ยท      I have survived 100% of my worst days; I can get through this too

ยท      I believe in myself

ยท      Iโ€™m still here

ยท      I am strong; I am allowed to be sensitive too

ยท      I do the vest best I can and that is enough

ยท      Healing is not linear

ยท      I am lovable

ยท      I will continue to grow and nurture myself with the tenderness I deserve

ยท      When everyday is a battle, itโ€™s okay to lose some days

ยท      I radically accept myself

ยท      It wasnโ€™t my fault

ยท      There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Asking for help is one of the bravest, most admirable, things I can do

ยท      Friends who โ€œdonโ€™t want to pick a sideโ€ arenโ€™t on my side

ยท      There is bravery in being soft

ยท      My body belongs to me and me alone

ยท      Itโ€™s okay to be angry

ยท      My process is my process

ยท      Crying is an understandable reaction to what Iโ€™ve been through. When I cry, I release my sadness, my fear, and my anxiety

ยท      I am loved and brave and strong and made of magic

ยท      I donโ€™t owe my abuser my forgiveness. I donโ€™t have to rebuild a relationship with anyone I choose to forgive

ยท      I may, or I will, never be the same again. Thatโ€™s okay

ยท      I will move from surviving to thriving

ยท      Being vulnerable and talking about my experiences is nothing to be ashamed of. Itโ€™s powerful and creates space for other survivors to share their stories too

ยท      I am more than my trauma

ยท      I am capable

ยท      When I practice self-love, that is knowledge

ยท      When I practice self-care, that is power

ยท      I am a force to be reckoned with

ยท      There are so many things to live for

ยท      Really, really, really good things are coming

ยท      I trust my gut; I appreciate my intuition for protecting me

ยท      I donโ€™t owe anybody my story

ยท      I am empowered to choose who gets access to my time, energy, and attention because not everyone deserves it

ยท      Healing is a marathon, not a race

ยท      Slow progress is still progress

ยท      It can be difficult to work through this but it will be worth it; and finally,

ยท      I am not alone. Survivors exist in multitudes, in galaxies. There are whole communities and movements of us


And these affirmations are from my first zine, Affirmations for Survivors, which I wrote in 2018.

I wrote this zine because as survivors, we often donโ€™t even hear those three simple words, that affirmation of โ€œI BELIEVE YOUโ€. I know that I need to be reminded of these things and if I need to be reminded of these things, other folks probably need to as well. So, in the spirit of radical vulnerability, I wanted to write and share these affirmations for people like you and people like me, people like us. For survivors and for victims and folks who may relate to these experiences but maybe donโ€™t identify with those words, yet. Because there are so many ways to be a survivor and itโ€™s always hard and I hope that these affirmations are able to act as a gentle salve to soothe our tender wounds because words have power.


[giggles] These affirmations definitely felt silly and cheesy to me at first, when I was in a place where I felt really disempowered and really angry about it. Which was important and understandable and a necessary part of my healing process. And I got to a place where I needed and wanted affirmations. I wrote my own because a lot of the ones out there arenโ€™t trauma-informed or survivor-centered. and I wanted something I could repeat to myself because even if I didnโ€™t believe those words yet, even if I canโ€™t believe those words today, I know that someday, I will. Sometimes, I do.


I want to share these because I believe in myself and my experiences and I believe in you and: I believe you.


I wanted to share these as an act of care and solidarity with and for other survivors.


And/also I know how hard it is to hear โ€œI BELIEVE YOUโ€. When I hear those words, over a decade into my journey of working deliberating and intentionally and [big sigh] so hard towards healing, I burst out sobbing because of all the times people didnโ€™t tell me that or people said something like, I donโ€™t believe you, youโ€™re making this up, youโ€™re just trying to get attention and so on and so on. You all know what itโ€™s like to hear all the hateful & horrible & hurtful things people will say to you when youโ€™re just trying to seek support, to protect your community, to be authentic and honest and transparent about your experiences and your life and what youโ€™ve been through and are dealing with.




So, that is what I will leave you with today. As always, take what you need and leave the rest behind. Feel free to adapt and rewrite these affirmations to create something unique that works for you. And until next time, I believe you. I believe you. I believe you.

xo Karina

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