Create Your Own Affirmation Archive | Healing is the Best Revenge Podcast, Episode 2 Transcript


2: Create Your Own Affirmation Archive | Healing is the Best Revenge, Episode 2 Transcript

This is a transcript of my podcast, Healing is the Best Revenge, a podcast for survivors who reject pedestals and perfection to discuss the politics of survivorship, community care, and our often-unconventional pathways towards healing.

Karina: Hi, I’m Karina Hagelin and this is Healing is the Best Revenge, a podcast for survivors who reject pedestals and perfection to discuss the politics of survivorship, community care, and our often-unconventional pathways towards healing.

This is a very messy very DIY podcast. You may hear my cats or the construction next door or my AC running and so on. I am disabled and chronically ill so I’m often recording this podcast via my voice memo app from bed. So, thank you for being along with me on this journey!

Today, I want to guide you through creating an affirmation archive; one of my favorite tools for hard days. What is an affirmation archive? Simply put, it’s a photo album on my phone that I save images to. These images are things that help remind me that I’m loved, that I matter, that there are things to live for, of my inherent worth as a human being and survivor. Mine includes things like:

  • Photos of loved ones, family, friends

  • Pictures of my three precious adorable PERFECT cats

  • Affirmations and compliments my friends have texted me

  • Kind messages from folks on Instagram

  • Positive Etsy reviews

  • Screenshots of my favorite quotes

  • and anything that make me smile from the Internet, like cute animals, funny memes, affirmations, and so on.

Let’s get started! This is how to make an affirmation archive:

  1. Create a photo album on your phone; mine is titled FOR BAD DAYS, in capslock [giggles]

  2. Screenshot anything that helps remind you of your inherent worth, that you are loved, and that you matter. Or that simply brings a smile to your face or makes you laugh. It’s your affirmation archive, so put in whatever you think will be helpful in it. If you don’t know where to start, I invite you to head over to my Instagram @femmesupremacy and to screenshot some of the cute, colorful affirmations I love to share.

  3. Save each image to the photo album you’ve just created.

And that is it! If you’re not super confident with technology, I’ll link to some tutorials on how to create photo albums and add to images to them in the show notes.

So, when you’re having a hard day - because there will be hard days, so many of them, swipe through your affirmation archive. And please, don’t’ shame or blame yourself if this is hard to do or if the reminders are hard to feel because I know, I KNOW, it is so hard and using our skills can be really, really difficult. They take a lot of practice and that is frustrating and/also normal and okay.

I hope that this is a helpful tool to have. I hope that this is helpful and supportive and useful for you. So, until next time and as always, I believe you. And I’ll talk to you soon.

[Image description: White text with a pink outline that reads, “XO Karina”]

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