femme filth press feature | i believe you: a resource on supporting survivors, by a survivor

i believe you: a resource on supporting survivors, by a survivor

many of us need more concrete skills & accessible resources on how to support survivors in our lives

if more of our loved ones & friends & folks we’re in community with knew how to listen to, hold space for, & simply be present with survivors, if they had access to those skills & resources & survivor-led guidance, it would be life-changing for so many of us, even life-saving in some cases.

i know many of us care so, so, SO, deeply but we’re afraid of messing up, of being imperfect, of not knowing what to say or what to do, so instead, we don’t say or do anything. this silence, lack of action, & support from our loved ones & community is a source of pain, isolation, & harm for many of us.

this zine is messy. it is not exhaustive. it will continue to grow as i do. the strategies i share are based on my lived experiences as a white, chronically ill & disabled, fat, nonbinary queer femme survivor with C-PTSD, as well as what i’ve learned from talking with & caring for/about other survivors with a variety of lived experiences. my hope is that this zine provides you with some of the skills & resources you need to feel confident in your ability to be there for us.

because we can’t do this alone.

what readers are saying about the “i believe you” zine

where to find “i believe you”

“i believe you: a resource on supporting survivors, by a survivor” is available via femme filth press on etsy as a full-color print zine, as well as a digital edition (PDF).


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