Femme Filth Press Feature | The Little Book of Affirmations for Survivors

Femme Filth Press Feature | The Little Book of Affirmations for Survivors

Why I created The Little Book of Affirmations for Survivors

As a survivor, there were so many things I desperately needed to hear from my friends, community, & loved ones - but didn’t. In the aftermath of the assault, I can’t even remember if one person offered me the three simple words I needed to hear: “I believe you.”

While I’ve created a community of care over the past decade, most of those years have been isolating, painful, & difficult. I knew I never wanted any other survivor to feel that way but there was only so much I could give, especially. while I was healing. On a whim, I decided to create this colorful collection of heartfelt & loving notes, words of support, & affirmations to cultivate radical self-love for my community.

What happened next

After printing The Little Book of Affirmations for Survivors & digitizing it into a PDF for folks who wanted to keep it on their phone/laptop/tablet/etc., I turned each page of affirmations into a print + postcard that folks could send to a friend, hang on their wall, or carry with them. I was so excited when I saw how cute they were!

What people are saying about The Little Book of Affirmations for Survivors

You can find The Little Book of Affirmations through Femme Filth Press on Etsy.


Radical Self-Love Affirmations for Survivors: Issue #2


Radical Self-Love Affirmations for Survivors: Issue #1