the “dear survivor” series, new zine on the best books of 2021, & more creative updates!

the “dear survivor” series, new zine on the best books of 2021, & more creative updates!

it’s been a bit, babes! i’ve been busy creating new work i'm really proud of & excited to share with you 💫

dear survivor series

i believe that we are here to create the things we want & need to see in the world. i want to create a world - starting with a community - that believes & supports & affirms fellow survivors. so in addition to my zines & art prints & the content i'm already creating + sharing, i started an instagram reels series called ✨ DEAR SURVIVOR ✨ my most recent video is an affirmation on “no is a complete - & keep up with! - the series over on my instagram, @femmesupremacy 💕

ps: help “dear survivor” reach more survivors

engaging with these reels (liking, saving, commenting on, & sharing) helps them reach even more survivors who may need them 🥰 so if you have a few seconds, make sure to engage with these, babe!

books this librarian loved!

30+ of the best books i read in 2021 is a cute & colorful mini-zine i created featuring my favorite books from my 2021 reading challenge 📚 some of the topics include:

💖 art & art history

🧡 creativity

💛 astrology

💚 mental health

💙 witchcraft

💜 & magic!

this tiny, rainbow, & adorable AF zine is overflowing with inspiring, supportive, & empowering books that made me laugh, transformed my perspective, & helped me feel less alone 🌈 check them out from your local library or order them from an independent bookstore.

ps: this zine is available on my etsy!

let’s stay in touch / where you can find me

💫 healing is the best revenge is my newsletter where i share about radical self-love, healing from trauma, affirmations, creativity, making art, zines, & new offerings + services. click here to sign up!

💫 instagram is where i spend most of my time online; my personal account, @femmesupremacy, features cute & colorful content on healing through aesthetics, chronic illness & disability, radical self-love for survivors, & more! you can find all things zines over at @femmefilthpress.

💫 find + purchase my zines & prints about radical self-love & vulnerability, queer femme joy, community care, trauma recovery, healing from sexual violence, mental health, & supporting survivors through femme filth press on etsy.


creating as a tool for healing: how creativity & play supports my trauma recovery process


femme filth press feature | surviving to thriving: a trauma survival toolkit